You are welcome to have a look at our genuine testimonials, what our esteemed clients had to say about our effort and services. Many of them are well-known personalities. One would get a better overview of the studio and our small team of professionally qualified photographers based here in Malta. We are proud of all of our customers listed here who took their precious time to put pen to paper to express their appreciation. A big ‘Thank you’ for your kindness and beautiful reviews.


22 April 2014
Hi Gino Galea,
Today one of your photographs has been published in Daily Dozen of online Edition of the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE. I consider it quite an honor for any photographer!
Happy Clicking.
M. A. Zubair

Thank you for your lovely, professional pictures. No wonder you are the best photographer in Malta!
Maestro Marthese Busuttil Cassar
St Maria Accordian Band -Attard
Bart En Rose Derde 7 January at 20:45 Thanks Very much , really nice work and pure dedication xxx Like Belgium Comment |
by Gino Galea (Malta)

From: Claudette Stafrace
Sent: 15 July 2014 12:15
Hi Gino
I really want to say thank you for the great photoshoot Alexandra and your son did for Elisa’s holy communion. Next, we shall come again to choose the photos taken at San Anton. A big well done…so happy with the result.
Kind regards
Claudette Stafrace

Grazzi Gino tal mod professjonali li hdimtu maghna. Minkejja l pressjoni li kellna irnexxilna nintervistaw lill kantanti kollha!
Grazzi tas-sehem taghkom – Twanny

Twanny Scerry interviewing Richard Clayderman at Corinthis Palace Attard
– Photo by Gino Galea
re: Wedding Photography in Malta
“Our wedding photos are for us a treasure which we will cherish forever! Gino delivered us a professional album full of innovative and lovely photos, he welcomed our ideas with positivity and energy and was easy to work with – something that showed in our photos. We had a great time and would advice other couples to invest with this artist so that the memory of their special day can be kept forever and shared.”
Kirstin Camilleri Avellino
Wedding by Gino Galea at Excelsior Hotel, Floriana

From: Charlene Grima
Sent: 22 March 2015 09:44
Subject: Re:Wedding Photographic Services
Hi Gino
Mela marelli hekk ghidna already a week passed kif jahrab 🙂 It was such a memorable experience. We had a very good team in everything. Kemm intom, kemm il-band, kemm catering kulhadd hadem id f’id biex kulhadd ha gost. We are so very proud li kellna lilek our photographer. Mhux ghax f’wiccek, pero apparti li inti bravu vera konna komdi nahdmu maghkom.
Thanks, Gino iva tomorrow we leave. We are looking forward to it now 🙂
by Photographer Gino Galea (Malta G.C.)

DEBORAH C during “LOOKS TV SHOW” photoshoot by Gino Galea – Birzebbuga,Malta

“Hey Gino! how are u?! Ridt nghidlek prosit kbira tar-ritratti ghax kelli rispons qawwi minn nies! Vera gew sbieh!” – Deborah C


“Gino, prosit tassew ferm ahjar mill-original!! Inhalli f’idejn Sergio u jaghzel hu. grazzi tassew u sliem ghalik”. fhilary
26th October 2016
Subject: RE: Portrait Photos from Gino Galea
Dear Gino
It was a pleasure for me and Fr Hilary to meet you yesterday morning. You are a true professional. A big thank you from both of us for the excellent portrait photos you sent us.
Keep well and best
Peter Calamatta
Mark Navarro Professional photography with an open mind and creativity.
Mark Navarro Hairdressing (Sliema) recommends Gino Galea.
Many thanks for professional shooting my salon
“MALTA…un altro incantevole scatto di GINO GALEA” – Rettore

Photo by Gino Galea

Photography by Gino galea
Attard Fiona | 22 October 21:01 |
Iva il vera nice person u ahna konna qisna home grazzi mil gdid. Jien vera sodisfatta. Din s sena gibt t tifla ezatt wara il pracett, nies dedikati u dhulin; servizz eccellenti! Thanks again Gino Galea Galea
Gino Galea Maltaweddingphotogarpher 22 October 19:49 Dawk xoghol Clifford Galea Valletta .. wiehed mill fotografers tieghi..hu kien gibidhom dik is session taghkom… Se nghaddilu il kumment gentili tieghek.. Grazzi hafna u napprezza hafna dan il lumment gentili minn naha tieghi. |

Concert at Catholic Institute 2016
GRAZZI GINO U PROSIT !!!!! – Enzo Guzman

A word of appreciation from Trevor Loughrey – Irish country music celebrity.
From: Trevor Loughrey
Sent: 13 June 2016 20:24
To: Gino Galea <photoartist@ginogalea.com
Subject: Re: Portrait Pics from Gino Galea ( Malta ) ……… email 01
Hi gino
Thank you so much for the pictures
They are excellent love them all
Gino I will definitely be using them for For new album witch will be coming out this years thank you again so much gino hope to meet you again some time Kind regards
Sent from my iPhone

SOLO EXHIBITION IN BELGIUM BY GINO GALEA https://maltinfilbelgju.wordpress.com/2010/08/08/inawgurata-l-wirja-ta-gino-galea/
Malta Wedding Photography
From: Gino Galea
Sent: 03 December 2013 22:26
To: ginofoto@maltanet.net
Subject: Marouska Falzon- Wedding Photos
Marouska Falzon Cutajar Thanks a lot Gino really like and love the photos it was great working with you and Alison we really had fun! We appreciate all the patience and help during our pre wedding, wedding and post wedding. Thanks again : )

From: Ramona Peregin
Sent: 06 April 2016 21:18
To: Gino Galea
Subject: Re: More Pics
Ref: Wedding album/photographic Services
Thanks so much, Gino we are really happy with our album.. I will definitely recommend you to all our friends and family.
Best Regards,
Ramona Vella
From: freddie portelli Sent: 06 December 2014 21:57
To: photoartist@ginogalea.com Subject: CD Covers
Gino nirringrazzjak ta’ l’ghajnuna li dejjem tajni, int fotografu professjonali ghall l’ahhar. Jekk ma narakx sal milied nibghatlek ix xewqat it tajba lilek u il familja u jekk Alla jrid niltaqaw id dar tas Siggiewi bhall kull sena. KELLU BZONN KULHADD PROFESSJONALI BHALEK


From: sophia gardia
Sent: 27 December 2016 11:13
To: ginofoto@maltanet.net
Good morning Gino,
Merry Christmas and we wish you a Happy New Year!!
Thank you very much for the photos and I have to tell you that your job is really incredible!!
Also, thank you for the extra white & black photos.
We are very pleased with the cooperation.
Our best wishes to you & your family!!!
Sophia & Dimitris

re: Photographic Servies
Angela Fenech Just a note to thank you, Mr Galea, for the wonderful small albums you made for me. Am so happy with them. They are excellent. Prosit!!!
Maria Aquilina recommends Gino Galea Photo Artist Studio of Mosta.
15 February 2019·
“Best photo Artist , always satisfied. Keep it up to all the Family A+++ “

22nd December 2016
Well done Gino! For many years now, your artistic talents have enriched your photographic skills – the best ingredients that make a professional! Looking ahead to more highs… https://www.facebook.com/ginofoto/activity/10155422020814119?notif_t=open_graph_action_like¬if_id=1482365520139324
Philip Borg – Air Malta plc
re: Wedding Photography/Album
17th February 2015
Natalie DeBattista
Hi Gino, me again :).
Vera prosit lilek u lil Alison tar-ritratti, they’re amazing kemm gew sbieh :).
Thanks ta’ kollox 🙂
Natalie & Ramon

Christian Rizzo recommends “Gino Galea Photo Artist Studio of Mosta”.
11 June 2019 ·
Well done. Really happy with all the photos that I have. Thank you
Ghaziz Gino,
Waqt li nittamaw kellek bidu ta’ sena tajba, f’isem Fr Martin Micallef, direttur tad-Dar tal-Providenza u f’isimna, nixtiequ nirringrazzjawk ghall-ghajnuna li sibna fis servizz professjonali tal fotografija, sabiex IL-FESTA TA’ GENEROZITA’ li saret fl-1 ta’ Jannar fid-Dar tal-Providenza, terga’ tkun success. Grazzi għal għajnuna imprezzabbli taghkom. Mill-gdid, f’isem dawk kollha involuti u l-amministrazzjoni tad-Dar tal-Providenza, hajr għal kontribut siewi tieghek.
Tonio Bonello

A kind appreciation from Archbishop Mario Grech
Flavia Joanna Grima reviewed Gino Galea Photo Artist Studio of Mosta – 5 star 16 January 2017 ·
Gino Galea is a super professional photo artist with many years of experience. He is always there in great events to take photos of big celebrities. I am one of his clients and I can assure everyone that with his artistic techniques he can make everyone a real celebrity. I definitely recommend him for any occasion as he is such a great value for money.

MALTA EXHIBITION at Nivelle,Brussels

“Great exhibition in Nivelles, Gino! Prosit! You are a real visual ambassador of Malta!” – Geert Sciot”

4th June 2013 – Facebook
Marisabelle Cauchi Thankx Gino… ahna hrigna sodisfatti fis servizz tieghek. Grazzi lilek
Austin Grech recommends Gino Galea Photo Artist Studio of Mosta.
11 June 2019 ·
‘‘A picture says a 1000 words”. Gino’s pictures,” say a million.” A true genius.

Sent: 27 January 2016 19:19
To: Gino Galea
Subject: To Gino
Hi Gino, vera min qalbi Niehu gost nahdem ghandek ! Proset ta’ vera, dejjem tghamili xoghol bellezza, li studio vera nsib ghajnuna ukoll, rajt il pagna u ixerjajta prosit !
Graziella Fenech

From: Noelita Ellul Scerri
Sent: 13 December 2015 18:01
To: Gino Galea
Subject: RE: Wedding Album/ Photographic services
Nixtiequ nuru l-apprezzament taghna ghax-xoghol u servizz ferm professjonali li tajtuna. Ir-rizultat tar-ritratti u l-album huwa hafna aktar milli stajna nimmaginaw. Ma nistghux niefqu narawhom 🙂 Ma kellniex dubbju, pero is-sensazjoni hija vera sabiha kull meta nircievu il-kummenti minghand familjari u hbieb. Prosit tassew! Grazzi tal-hin, pariri u ideat originali. Fuq kollox grazzi li kontu hemm fil-mumenti importanti tal-gurnata ghaziza taghna u li uhud minnhom lanqas biss niftakruhom kieku ma kontux intkhom.
Noelita u Joseph
From: Noelita Ellul Scerri
Sent: 20 November 2015 16:12
To: Gino Galea
Subject: Wedding album
Din il-gimgha urejna l-album lil genituri tieghi.
Intogghob ferm. Il-mummy riedet tghidlek vera prosit ghax-xoghol perfett u professjonali. Ma waqfitx tghid kemm hi sabih :))
Vera sodisfatti u kuntenti.
Grazzi mill-qalb.
Noelita u Joseph
17th November 2017
Wow! I’m impressed. thank u very much. Recommending u to a lot of people. well done I love it.
Gail Rizzo
Living sports legend : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sr608f0JrI
From: Loreen McKeon
Sent: 08 April 2015 11:30
To: Gino Galea
Subject: Our beautiful wedding album -Destination wedding
Good morning Gino
Our album arrived 3 attempts at delivery yesterday lol
One word WOW, our album is beautiful thank you soooooooo much we are delighted with the way it has turned out, down to all your hard work, now we can show family and friends pictures, the slide show is fantastic too it’s tells the storey and bought back so many lovely memories.
Thank you again for all your hard work, I had to chuckle my daughter even said I want Gino to do my wedding album not that she has a wedding booked yet lol x
I look forward to hearing from you
Have a great day
Love Loreen xx

Let me know where I can post this review for you —
re: Destination Wedding Photography in Malta
“We met Gino at a wedding and we could tell right away that he is a great artist – noticing his ease yet attention to detail, and his versatile equipment put to use in different situations. It was my best friend’s wedding and I loved watching how he handled the opportunities for great shots, while keeping the subjects in their natural joyous expressions. We could not help but ask him to shoot our anniversary pictures…”
Grazzi ta’ kollox,
Rita u Lambert Schaelicke
18 May at 21:54
Paul Vella – Camera Museum – Collector (Malta)
Ghandek xoghol li lili joghobni imens xoghol profesjonali u minn dejjem kont toghobni u nirokomandak ma’ kulhadd bhal ma’ taf, Gino meta trid ‘you more than welcome’ hawn ok . https://www.facebook.com/paul.vella.102

Paul Galea reviewed Gino Galea Photo Artist Studio of Mosta – 5 star
Gino Galea is an artist. His creativity and artistry are reflected in his works of art. I had the opportunity to work close to Gino on several occasions and I can without any hesitation state that he a professional all round. Gino’s photographic images are all masterpieces.
Merry Christmas Gino and all your Family.
Paul Galea
Silvio Axisa Bravu Gino….’you know the tricks of the trade’…minn dejjem kont kapaci, Piper Lance ggibu jidher Concorde.…nice pic imsomma….lol
3 May 2015
Thanks, Gino tar ritratti…il vera prosit tax xoghol eccellenti u tal professjonalita fix xoghol tieghek.
Rossella Soler
Wedding photography -Malta
Angela Fenech Just a note to thank you Mr Galea for the wonderful small albums you made for me. Am so happy with them. They are excellent. Prosit!!! ______________________________________________________________________________
re: Wedding photography/album
Mandy Darmenia
Hi Gino yes the album is perfect we really love it and so does everyone else! Could not have had a better team to take care of our wedding photography! Alison was great during the wedding and really captured each moment resulting in the best album ever! Highly recommended! Very professional and well worth every penny -.
Mandy & Matthew Darmenia
“Our wedding album”/ Photographic Services in Malta”
Just a quick e-mail to thank you very much for the wonderful album and CD. The pictures are brilliant! I would definitely recommend you as a fantastic photographer. Thanks ever so much
Jackie Mewton
Wedding Photography / Destination wedding in Malta
I would like to thank you for the photographs your beautiful daughter took of us on our wedding day. We are very pleased with the results …. I will be sure to recommend your services to anyone, and shall make a point of doing so on the Trip advisor website too .. Thank you once again Gino. Please pass on my personal thanks to the beautiful Alison too.
Colin Wildig
Wedding album Josianne & Ramon
“Josianne urietna l-album bir-ritratti li hadtilha ghat-tieg taghha ma’ Ramon. Veru xoghol artistiku u nghidlek il-verita qatt ghadna ma’ rajt album bhalu, veru haqqek prosit!”
Paul Vella from Melbourne
From: Rosemarie Abela Caruana
Sent: 24 August 2015 07:58
To: Gino Galea
Bongu Gino,
Thanks very much for the lovely photos… On our end, we do not feel to make any modifications – they are simply perfect! Thanks
re: Destination wedding Photography/Malta wedding
Hi Gino!
Thanks for the excellent service, as already said Clifford Galea Valletta was brilliant!
Thanks a lot and best regards
Anja Jokisch
Destination Malta wedding
Just to let you know that photos are fantastic and you have done a great job thanks again.
Ian & Aimee
Sent: 24 September 2015 08:48
Subject: New message from Tanja Loos-Wijnia / Ref : Destination Malta wedding
Hello Gino,
The pictures are very beautiful. Clifford is a great, friendly person. Alison also! You have a wonderful family. Yes, using the pictures for the tv program. No problem! We looked forward to the link! Kind regards,
Attn: Gino Galea
Joe wrote: “I had a photo like that taken at Schiphol Airport when we had three concurrent flights (one scheduled and two extra flights). I arranged with the airport authorities to park our three aircraft next to each other and the Air Malta official photographer traveled on one of the flights to take the photos. This was way back between 1985 and1988.”
Joe Farrugia
Outstation Manager -Holland
Air Malta plc

re: Professional photographic Services in Malta
Good morning Ana GeoRgi if you want a photographer talk to Clifford Galea Valletta very good service and impeccable photos!
27th August 2017
re: Wedding Photography in Malta
Manuel Donna Zammit Gino Galea “The best! Habbattu hafna jien, pero r rizultat vera ghall qalbi! Proset immens! Provajna nkunu ftit differenti minn li naraw is soltu u rnexxa. Grazzi Gino. U sincier nghid lil kulhadd li t tieg ihallik tgawdih u mhux bhall xi whud li t tieg ikun taghhom flok tal-koppja mizzewga. Ghazlu lil Gino u ma jiddispjecikomx zgur. Il pacenzja li ha bina fil pre & post wedding kienet wahda kbira, u xewqa jghamililek realta.”

From: Gino Galea
Sent: 27 August 2015 22:42
To: photoartist@ginogalea.com
Subject: Ray & Claire Hall – August 2015
Ref : Destination wedding in Malta
CLAIRE & RAY HALL –August 2015 – Le Meridianne Hotel
Hi Gino. Just wanted to say a massive thank you to both yourself and Alison kind for the photos of our wedding. We are so happy with the results. You are are both awesome.
Thanks again Claire and Ray x
Pauline Grixti reviewed Gino Galea Photo Artist Studio of Mosta – 5 star
re: Wedding Album/photography
Well done Gino Galea for the excellent service and amazing photos you took for our wedding.
I highly recommend Gino Galea as he is a truly professional photographer and also good in time management.
Thanks Gino Galea and Sandra Galea xxxx
Pauline Grixti
“Just to let you know that photos are fantastic and you have done a great job thanks again”.
Ian Lester
Marisa D’Amato reviewed Gino Galea Photo Artist Studio of Mosta – 5 star
“Gino is one of the best photographers on the Island. He has been supporting me and taking care of my photoshoots for my CD covers for the last 10 years. He is so professional and versatile in his work.”

Marisa D’Amato “Gino is very professional and easy to work with. He makes you feel at ease and gets the best shots as always. Thanks Gino for this session and for supporting me in all my album covers xx” https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=837956692906578&set=a.405121402856778.83574.100000767643413&type=1&comment_id=837959396239641&offset=0&total_comments=6

Ref: Wedding album/ Photographic Services
Kristal Ó Gribín reviewed Gino Galea Photo Artist Studio of Mosta – 5 star
Thank you Gino for helping us to relive the memory of our BIG day with your amazing photos! A talented and passionate photographer – highly recommended!
Dear Gino,
Good Morning!! We would like to express our sincere thanks for your service yesterday!! Your son Clifford did a great job, we worked really well with him, very patient, professional and kind!! Happy once again 🙂 Thanks a lot! Regards to all your family!!
Kristina, Glen and baby Nick 🙂

Charlene Cassar reviewed Gino Galea Photo Artist Studio of Mosta – 5 star
Re: Photographic Services/ Photo studio
Amazing service, both studio and home photos were taken professionally and with great detail! Couldn’t be happier Gino
Natasha Nikolic reviewed Gino Galea Photo Artist Studio of Mosta – 5 star
Re: Professional Photographic Services/ Photo studio
The photos came really good and very professional 🙂 thanks so much for your great work.
Simon Schembri reviewed Gino Galea Photo Artist Studio of Mosta – 5 star
Re: Photographic Services/ Photo studio
Great thanks for your talent Gino and those pictures that figure on my latest album The Maltese Touch !
Wonderful to work with you each time!
Simon Schembri

James Cauchi reviewed Gino Galea Photo Artist Studio of Mosta – 5 star
re: Professional Wedding Photography in Malta
Amazing work done by this artist …. our photo album is amazing. Highly recommend these guys…… very well done .
Re: Photographic Services/ Photo studio
Wiehed mill l-aqwa photographers f’Malta. Trid tippruvah biex temmen.
Leo Bartolo
Re: Photographic Services/ Gino Galea photo studio
A really nice pic!! Congratulations Ramona to u and ur husband. All the best of luck!!! Btw you couldn’t choose a better photographer – Daniela Vella

Subject: Mons Victor Grech PORTRAITS – BOOK COVER PHOTO
Ghaziz Gino,
Apprezzajt hafna l-merhba li tajtni nhar is-Sibt li ghadda, u
l-professjonalita’ tieghek biex tohrog l-ahjar xbieha tieghi.
Rajt ir-ritratti sbieh li hadtli. Ghogbuni kollha izda ghajnejja waqghu
fuq No. 11 (dak mehmuz) ghaliex inhoss li l-aktar
li jirraprezenta lili. Niehu gost inkun naf il-kummenti tieghek.
Inzomm lilek u lill-familja tieghek fit-talb tieghi.
Tislijiet mill-qalb,
Dun Victor
Mons Victor Grech – Caritas

Re: Photographic Services/ Photo studio
Gino Galea huwa l-fotografu uffiċċjali tal-kotba tiegħi.
Fejn tidħol fotografija joħroġ minn triqtu biex jara li l-klijenti tiegħu joħorġu kuntenti
– Igino Lombardi Dec 2014

re: Professional Photography in Malta
Thanks a lot Gino really like and love the photos it was great working with you and Alison we had really fun we appreciate for all thepatience and help during our pre wedding wedding and post wedding thanks again
Marouska Falzon Cutajar
re: Professional Wedding Photography/ Shortlisting of album photos
Hi Gino
I hope this email finds you well. We have reviewed the proofs for the digital album – PROSIT TASSEW – we LOVED IT!!!
Thanks a lot!! 🙂
best regards
Rachel Abela Bugeja
re:Holy Communion portraits at your studio
Jien vera sodisfatta din s sena gibt t tifla ezatt wara il pracett nies dedikati u dhulin servizz eccellenti.
( Thanks to Clifford Galea Valletta who happened to be her photographer on the day at the studio)
Thanks again Gino
Fiona Attard
“An old colleague who spoke through the wonders of his skills with a camera, be it a group photo, an inaugural flight, be it still nature,be it national heritage or a celebrity.. and a trustworthy gentleman whose friendship i will always treasure! “Gino” short for “Eugenio”,a name that inspires nobility of character… and that’s what Gino”
Philip Borg – Ex Air Malta plc

19 February 2014 22:20
re: Professional Wedding Photography in Malta
Dear Gino
We would like to thank you for the wonderful work and album simply magnificent when printed it was totally more beautiful.
Thanks and well done for your work
Michelle and Johann

Destination weddings in Malta
TRIP ADVISOR – Destination weddings in Malta by Gino Galea
Malta Forum: Any recommendations for a photographer for my wedding?
More about UkPoppy123…
Posted on: 10:07 am,June 17, 2009
I’m getting married in Malta in July. It’s going to be a very small affair – no guests, being held ina hotel. I’m trying to find a reasonably priced photographer to take a few photos, but searching on the internet is giving me so many choices. Does anybody have any recommendations based on personal experience?
Thank you.
Sutton, United Kingdom
Joined: Feb 2006
Forum posts: 45
Travel map pins: 20 Travel maps show where members have been and are going. <a>Start your own!</a>?More about St Francis and our wedding in Mltq
Posted on: 11:41 am,June 17, 2009
Hi there
We got married in Malta 2 years ago and used Gino Galea – he has his own website. He is very well known as you will see! His fees are very low compared with UK prices and his pictures are fab – I had so many comments. I think I posted before about my wedding, so you may find more info there. I hope you have a good day if you need any more info…Just ask!!
Destination Expert <a><img></a>
Posted on: 5:10 am, yesterday
I have never been photographed by Gino Galea, but have known him personally for years. I can recommend him as a professional in all ways and a true gentleman. I have said so because he was recommended by someone else, his website should give you his contact details<a>https://www.ginogalea.com/weddings.asp </a>A bit late for trying to book as usually these things are booked years ahead.
Posted on: 4:57 am,today – I have just taken a look at Gino’s website and there are some beautiful photos of Malta . Worth having a look at the beauty of our island from a professional photographers eye !!!!Malta Aerial Photos www.ginogalea.com/gallery/cat.asp?iCat=43
Malta Locations Views www.maltaphotos.com
—–Original Message—–
From: Facebook
Sent: Il-Ġimgħa, 18 ta’ Settembru 2009 20:43
To: Gino Galea
Subject: Charmaine Fidalgo-Cortis -Wedding Digital Album
sent you a message on Facebook…
Charmaine sent you a message.
Subject: Hello Gino!!
It was great to discover you are also on facebook! It’s a wonderful networking site! Besides as soon as I noticed you there, I informed my friends who live in NJ and who were lucky to view the REAL thing – The digital book of our wedding was truly a hit with the Americans!! I don’t think they have it in their custom as yet…also the post-wedding session seems to be a new concept for some of my friends!! They were thrilled when they saw the albums, Gino, and when Manny described how passionately and dedicatedly you worked with us! So I introduced my friends on facebook to you when I saw you too are around!! I am writing you through here because I know you will receive the full message in your personal email address just the same. Thanks a lot Gino!
God bless you and your work qalbi! We say a prayer for you every time we look at our wedding pix or even talk of our wedding.
Charmaine and Manny with love from USA
From: citrus
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 9:54 PM
To: ‘Gino Galea’
Subject: Thanks ! – Wedding photographic Services
Hello Gino….
First of all, I and Alexia would like to congratulate you for the excellent job done on our photo album. Everyone liked it! If possible
I would like to ask you a favour. My aunty which lives in the UK will be coming over to Malta in June since her son is getting married here. Since she is looking for a photographer and we mentioned you, would it be possible to have one or two samples in electronic format to send her
Thanks and Regards
Noel and Alexia
> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 9:47 AM
> Subject: Re: Images / www.maltaphotos.com
Hi Gino,
I got the pictures and hey you done a brilliant job specially with the young cat exactly like the websites abroad well done,
Thank and well done.
Mark Micallef
Hi Gino,
Pictures are great that`s how they should be focusing on the open eye expression well done. You made my day thanks :-}
re: Professional Wedding Photography in Malta
Ghaziz Gino,
L-ewwel nett nixtiequ nghidulek grazzi u prosit tar -ritratti kollha li baghttilna, veru sbieh u geddittilna hafna memorji. Grazzi mill qalb! Nafu li inti dejjem hemm Gino, ghax meta kellna bzonn is servizz tieghek dejjem tajtulna u dejjem kien servizz eccellenti kif mghandiex dubju li hu anke din id darba. Gino, filwaqt li nghidulek prosit ghax ir ritratti veru sbieh, nixtiequ ninfurmawk li ha nzommu mal pjan originali. Nirringrazzjawk hafna tal-kooperazzjoni li dejjem sibna minghandek.
Insellu ghalik,
Emanuel u Caroline Formosa.
re: Our wedding photographic services
Hello Gino,
We arrived home yesterday and we wanted to tell you that we are very
pleased with the beautiful wedding pictures and the album that you made
for us. Our family also liked the album very much. It gave them a nice
an impression of our wedding day.
> Thank you!
> Kind regards,
> Karin & Fokko van der Leest,
> the Netherlands
From: Laura Corbett
Sent: Il-Ħamis, 14 ta’ Frar 2008 12:48
To: Gino Galea
Subject: Mrs Corbett/ Wedding photographic services
hi Gino its Laura Corbett here.
I would like to say a big big thank you for our perfect wedding photo album I have never seen photos that look that beautiful we are so happy with them and so are the family. You have made our wedding day memories beautiful and perfect. Also, the DVD was out of this world we could not believe how good it really was I cried watching it all back it was really fantastic. Thank you once again to and your family for making our wedding day and our memories so lovely we won’t forget you. I am going to put a review on your website and I hope many other people will have their photos done by you and then they will the same perfect memories that we have the check for the two smaller albums are on the way to you I sent it on Tuesday. We will be coming to Malta in December for our anniversary so we will pop by and say hello.
take care and lots of love to you all.
Laura and Ben.
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2007 5:47 AM
To: <a>photoartist@ginogalea.com</a>
Subject: Hello/ Professional photographic Services
Hi Gino,
I just finished listening to your program on RTK radio. I really like your way of explaining your technique, I too enjoy photography, and over the years I have taken quite a few pictures. Now even my son is interested in photography, and he just started to do wedding pictures. Your website is excellent! I thought I’d write to you to let you know how much I enjoy the program, and I’ll make sure I listen to the next one. Keep up the good work, it is an interesting hobby. I was glad to hear the 80-year-old talking about how excited he was and asking very good questions, good for him.
Tecumseh Ont, Canada.
Hi Gino,
Thank you for answering my e-mail. I’m sorry I missed your “Hello” on RTK, that’s OK, I know you meant well. Sometimes, because of the time difference, I’d be doing something else and forget about tuning in. But, you can rest assured that I make every effort to listen to your show, I really enjoy it. My son Michael Jr. was really impressed with your website and your photographs. Yesterday he had a wedding to shoot, and before he went, he bought a Sepia filter and said to me thanks to Gino he gave an idea to shoot some “Sepia” wedding pictures. So you see, your tips are reaching all the way to Canada. It’s really nice to see great Maltese talent like yours, reaching other Maltese ex-pats, keep up the good work.
Name: Brenda Hynes
Subject : Wedding album
Hi Gino,
I just wanted to thank you for the excellent job you did on our photo album (Darren & Brenda Hynes, wed 15th June 2007) the photos and disc are out of this world. You captured our day brilliantly and we will cherish the photos always.
We are delighted that we decided to stop in Mdina for the photoshoot it was well worth it.
Many thanks,
Brenda & Darren
From: citrus
Sent: It-Tlieta, 17 ta’ Jannar 2006 21:54
To: ‘Gino Galea’
Subject: Thanks – wedding photography
Hello Gino….
First of all, I and Alexia would like to congratulate you on the excellent job done on our photo album. Everyone liked it! If possible I would like to ask you for two favours: My aunty which lives in the UK will be coming over to Malta in June since her son is getting married here. Since she is looking for a photographer and we mentioned to you, would it be possible to have one or two samples in an electronic format to send her?
Thanks and Regards
Noel and Alexia
From: Pauline Mizzi Sent: Il-Ħamis, 8 ta’ Mejju 2008 10:32
To: Gino Galea
Subject: RE: A quick Reminder Pauline Mizzi – Photographic Services
Hello Gino
Thank you for the lovely job you did…
Thanks once again
re: Professional Photographic Services
Dear Gino,
Thanks a million. Gino, you are a great photographer. I just forwarded them to Jeannette and I am sure that she’ll be pleased. Thanks again.
Yours sincerely,
Edgar Gatt
From: brenda kelly
Sent: Il-Ħamis, 31 ta’ Lulju 2008 18:40
To: Gino Galea
Subject: Re: Pics from Malta -Wedding Photography
Many thanks Gino, you are a true gentleman!
They are beautiful …I will be sure to have them printed as large as possible & will have them on display for all to admire & I will definitely recommend you to any friends that intend to visit Malta xxx. Thanks again Gino, you did not have to do this yet the fact that you did proves your passion for your art, I am most humbled by your kind gesture!
I will be sure to stay in touch,
Love & best wishes
re: A big ‘Thank You’ for the Professional Wedding Album
Hi Gino, Many thanks for taking the time to photograph us on the day of Adrian & Elaine’s wedding. The album turned out fantastic as I expected it would! Wishing you continued success with your most impressive career.
Love & Best Wishes,
( Ireland )
From: Wilding, Jackie (UK)
Sent: Il-Ħamis, 21 ta’ Awissu 2008 11:44
To: Gino Galea
Subject: RE: Gino Galea Photo Artist ( Mosta) -Destination wedding photographer
Hi Gino,
Just a quick e-mail to thank you very much for the wonderful album and CD. The pictures are brilliant !
I would definately recommend you as a fantastic photographer. Thanks ever so much
Clive and Jackie x
Research & Technology Project Controller
ASTRAEA Flying Demo Project Manager
From: Baldacchino Mary
Sent: 02 June 2009 08:12
To: Galea Gino at Airmalta
Dear Gino,
Prosit! What a very impressive photograph there is showing on the desktop today – It says it all doesn’t it? If Air Malta were to use it in her LOCAL marketing campaign, I am sure it would strike a chord with the Maltese. I keep going back to look at it!
Mary Baldacchino-Air Malta plc

From: Demicoli Rita at
Sent: 02 July 2009 08:21
To: Gino Galea Photo Artist; Galea Gino V at Airmalta
Subject: re: KM Monthly shots
Hi Gino
Just felt I must say thank you for the wonderful shots you propose each month to share our day’s work on the computer. Wonderful Screen savers indeed… keep up the good work Gino and PROSIT.
Rita Demicoli

Subject: RE: Wedding Photography & Videography Services by Gino Galea Photo Artist – Destination wedding held in Malta
Hi Gino,
Just to let you know that photos are fantastic and you have done a great job thanks again.
Kind regards
Ian and Aimee
re: Professional wedding photography
World Championship Wrestling
You are welcome to LIKE our page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maltaweddingphotographers/
From: Ian Lester
Sent: Il-Ħadd, 4 ta’ Ottubru 2009 20:15
To: Gino Galea
Subject: RE: Photography & Videography Services by Gino Galea
Photo Artist – Malta GC
Hi Gino,
Just to let you know that photos are fantastic and you have done a great job thanks again.Is there by any chance that you could send the ones we did not pick for the albums by email?
We understand that there may be a charge for doing this.
Ian and Aimee
Are you considering our services?
Drop us a line with all the details on : photoartst@ginogalea.com

The answer to the above question is rather obvious. A REAL ‘professional’ and a true photographer is more cautious and therefore he takes no risks on his very important job. He even takes many precautions thanks to his vast experience.
These days there are many hundreds of so the so-called ‘photographers’ around that might give you a so-called ‘package’ that could sound reasonable in price, however, if you are really looking for a reliable and the serious type of professional photographer, the latter must abide or have the following criteria. Please have a look into this link and one would immediately understand why the rates of a professional photographer do vary substantially from those of other ‘photographers’ who might think that they are ‘professional’ enough to go for ‘wedding photography’ too. We do recommend that for a ‘ once in a lifetime event’ one cannot risk that far.
History has proved that in the majority of cases, the ‘cheapest’ option ultimately turns up to be very costly or
the ‘expensive’ option! So beware, there are plenty of serious photographers around too.
link: http://pixelpluck.com/10-reasons-photographers-expensive/
Studio Photo Sessions ( ie Portraiture, Family, Children, Still life, etc…)
Photographic Coverages of Social events ( Parties, receptions, engagement parties, anniversaries, baptisms, birthday parties, etc..)
Purchasing of Copyright CD ( Containing the ‘high res images’ or perhaps a ‘low res’ copy for online use, etc..)
Interior decor Artistic Malta images
Photo Restoration
Holy Communions & Confirmations
Digital Photographic services
Business Reports & Executive portraiture
Printing of artistic images on canvas
Print to Print Reproductions
Colouring of BW Photographs
Photo effects eg. BW, Sepia, Spot Colour, artistic effects, etc…
Wedding Photography
Destination weddings in Malta
Studio Portraiture ( Family, Couples, Graduations, etc…)
PR Coverages
ID Card photography
Photo Model Portfolios
Videography services for social events
Passport/ VISA photos ( Local & international specifications)
Lamination of Prints, secured on foam board, PVC, etc
Printing of Posters/ Adverts in limited small quantities
Gift Vouchers
Gadgets – Printing of images on ceramic plates, mugs, piggy banks, keychains, etc…
Malta Image Bank
Commercial Photography
Data Retrieval ( from memory cards, hard disks, etc..)
Transferring of data on DVD
Transfering of super 8mm movies on DVD¹s, etc…
Copying of DVD to DVD copies
Web Design
Commercial photography
Poster & Billboard Design
Aerial Views of the Maltese Islands
Design of Adverts for online use, etc…
Fine Arts
Images/ Prints for Exhibitions
Maltaphotos#photography#malta#graduation#university#portraitphoto#photostudio#photo#studio#session#photographers#mosta#weddingphotographers#wedding #ginogaleaweddings #weddingphotographymalta#weddingphotography #ginogalea##passportphotos#malta#passport#officephotographer#visaphotos#licencephotos#identityphotos#americanvisaphotos#visaphotos#images