Author Archives: Gino Galea

“A COLLECTION OF CELEBRITY PORTRAITURE” by Maltese Photographer Gino Galea

Over the years, going back to 1980, photographer Gino Galea created an amazing collection of celebrity portraiture, high profile personalities, and VIP. Over three decades, Gino was the official photographer of the national airline Air Malta plc where he was regularly posted to cover the arrival of a long list of celebrities and VIPs as […]

“Xogħolna huwa li nħallu jum it-tieġ jibqa’ ħaj permezz tar-ritratti u filmati”

Minn Brian Gatt Dan is-suppliment ma’ setax ma jinkludix fih informazzjoni dwar it-tiġijiet mil-lenti ta’ bniedem professjonali bħalma huwa l-fotografu Gino Galea. Bla dubju li dan il-fotografu ma għandu bżonn ta’ ebda introduzzjoni, hekk kif il-karriera tiegħu laqqgħetu ma bosta persuni u karattri differenti, anke grazzi għall-kontribut tiegħu fil-passat bħala l-fotografu uffiċjali tal-linja tal-ajru Nazzjonali. […]

“Who owns the ‘rights’ of the photographs taken by a professional photographer during a wedding or any other event? …What does the ‘Copyright Law’ state in this respect?

In the days of continuous advances in technology, the creation of an image through a camera is accessible and ‘user-friendly’ to the whole community, namely the common people and not just to the professional photographer. A ten-year-old child can download an image from a mobile phone camera post it online to be published or perhaps […]


Are you planning to ‘tie the knot’ in Malta? Malta is fast becoming the leading destination wedding in the Mediterranean! If your answer is yes then follow the clip below. Civil wedding procedures n Malta require specific requisites that one should follow. As professional photographers (est.1980) being in this business for almost four decades, we […]


– Master Photographer Profiles of our pro and qualified photographers Alison Kind & Clifford Galea Valletta – (Please scroll further down) . . Welcome to the world as seen through the lens of Gino Galea ARPS LBIPP AMPA AMPS AMIPP ASWPP DipPP. His photo-art studio based in Mosta enjoys a first-class reputation for quality photography […]


Gino Galea Photo Artist – Est.1980 Tel: 2142 2371 Email: Web: Address: 198, Eucharistic Congress Road, Mosta, Malta Quote: “Our wedding photos are for us a treasure which we will cherish forever!  Gino delivered us a professional album full of innovative and lovely photos, he welcomed our ideas with positivity and energy and […]

Your wedding day is so unique and so should be your wedding album!

Call us now on 21422371 for your appointment ‘Gino Galea Photo Artist’ studio established in 1980 is a powerful symbol of local photographic art.  They can do more than just document the events on your wedding day! Be it a ‘destination’ or a typical local wedding, this family-run studio is directed by Gino Galea being a Master Photographer himself, […]

Gino Galea Biography

ARPS LBIPP AMPA AMPS AMIPP ASWPP DipPP by Sherise Borg Welcome to the world of Gino Galea’s where every image captured, is turned into a masterpiece! Gino is not just the ordinary enthusiastic photographer, but the award-winning and highly qualified Maltese  ‘photo-artist’, who puts passion and creativity into his daily work. Having more than thirty-two […]